This is the main reason I decided to put up a home page. Currently some are just plaintext files. I'll convert them to html eventually...
- Valley of Shadow
- Saw the opening lines, but didn't like the rest of the poem much, so I made my own. :)
- Lullaby
- I encoded the melody as a midi file.
- The Law of Hopsitality
- The Old Code, in rhyme.
- Leslie, the Guardian Angel
- The creation date on this very unfinished short story sketch is Friday, February 13, 2004.
- Lightning
- An obituary of a mysterious mechanic and motorcyclist.
- Sunset
- A poem I found written on a sheet of paper in my stack of as-yet-unused looseleaf. I'd written it while ago.. but I don't remember exactly when.
- Scholarship
- A speech I wrote on Scholarship, given for the National Honor Society induction ceremony. (I memorized it.)
- Creed
- Result of a class assignment which consisted basically of "write your creed in creative form". I decided to write a short story about a young knight-in-training... (It's more of a lecture about chivalry than a narrative. o.o)
- Character Sketch
- Just a set of character sketches I typed up to show C. Adia. (I had them scribbled on some looseleaf before.)
- The Traveler's Deathwish (or Song of the Wanderer, if the title's too morbid for you =)
- A short poem. Yes, it's about death, no, I don't think it's morbid, and no, I do not contemplate suicide--I'm actually an optimist. "_~
- Starbuck visits the psychiatrist
- A script I wrote for a presentation on "psychological criticism" of the world's most famous whale book. Starbuck was mentioned only a handful of times in the research materials, so this is mostly drawn from whole cloth. I had fun presenting it--almost convinced the rest of the class that I'd gone mad. >:)
- The Wisdom of Machiavel*
- Another work from HS. My teacher called the phenomenon MEH overdose.